Annabel Sarah
Dog Trick Instructor & Actress

Annabel Sarah
Drama Coach for Feet and Paws
Working with dogs on film sets has always been a dream job for me, as has acting. But at that time it seemed almost impossible to become a film animal trainer. When I was very young, I had researched about film animal schools. I remember finding one in L.A. But as a 16-year-old, it was a bit scary for me to go to the US. Drama schools were a dime a dozen, and I found the right school for me and decided I wanted to be in front of the camera myself. I had my first professional theatre experiences with my local theatre group in Germany when I was 16 years old, and subsequently I graduated from professional Drama school in 2016.
With my own earlier film projects, I had my cat in front of the camera and had also been able to gain experience on the set with a horse.
I have gained a lot of experience on set. I have produced, casted and organized locations for films and TV series. I wrote scripts for productions as needed. I also worked as a set artist for different productions.
As an actress I played mostly sad emotional roles, but my teachers in the drama school found the comedienne in me and I have played several comedy roles which I much prefer to play because I love to make an audience laugh much more than making them sad.
I have also worked in schools in Germany as a Drama coach, helping students develop their characters and show presence on stage.
Working with animals on the set was always a dream that continued to slumber in me. When I moved to London I felt that maybe one day I could get closer to that dream. And so it was, I found a great trainer who trained me to become a Dog Trick Instructor. Step by step, I completed various certificates with my German Kleinspitz and went to photo shoots and advert shoots with her. I was also booked as a dog handler on the set and was allowed to accompany the dogs of other owners on the set.
And I'm convinced that you can always put a smile on your audience's face when you have a dog on your screen, thats for sure ! No matter how funny the actor is, the dog is the real star.
I am more than happy that I was able to realize this dream in London. In addition to my main job, I work as a dog handler and dog trick instructor, I am currently working on weekends, half-term holidays or when there are inquiries.
If you want to learn more about "Paws on set", follow the paw prints